Applied Dressage with Jeanette Redmond
Jeannette Redmond
April 27th
April 27th
We are very excited to offer an opportunity to ride with Jeannette Redmond! She has a naturally down to earth way of teaching, with a keen eye for finding the root of a problem. Her teaching style is appropriate for western or English riders and horses. This clinic is an excellent opportunity to help you and your horse fine tune your communication, find and fix balance issues and help sort out that issue you just can’t get fixed alone.
Jeannette Redmond is a Bronze and Sliver medalist, who has ridden with Gerd Huechsmann for over 15 years, with an extensive and diverse background, including Pony Club and bridle horses.
Jeannette has gone down centerline over 600 times on horses ranging from training to Prix St George, Jeannette does an excellent job of explaining how to get the most out of any horse while also keeping them enthusiastic and engaged in their work.
April 27, 2024
9:30am-11:30am Group session on ground poles and obstacles- 100$ a rider
1:00pm-4:00pm Semi-private sessions 75$ a rider
Auditors 15$ per person
Lunch provided for 5$ a person
Auditors 15$ per person
Lunch provided for 5$ a person
Please contact Samantha to sign up or for more details (520) 591-9950